This book manages to capture your attention in a matter of pages and does a great job making you emphasize with the main characters. If you never read the Hunger Games series and are too focused waiting for the movie series at this point, try reading this book to feed your "young girl battling the odds in a post-apocalyptic world thats divided into factions" interests.
Infected - Scott Sigler
Takes place in modern US, a new series of infection is spreading. It starts as a triangle like fungus somewhere on your body, then as time passes it grows into a bone like structure that starts to root and learn from you. As it grows, it spreads and forms more triangles and eventually forms a system linked to your own that has a mind of its own.
Personally I thought this book was awesome, it had a creepy medical reason for everything and was very well researched to create a great reader if you want something more creepy. Personally I love a good horror novel, pulls you back into reading so you don't want to put the book down.
The Dead Zone - Stephen King
Thats all I will suggest for now, if you happen to stumble upon these books I'd love to hear what you thought.
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